Monday, September 14, 2009

Have not had a chance to download pictures. Sorry hopefully in the am. We are on our way to bed. Things went so smooth at AIT today!! Usually takes 3 hours, and ours was a little over one hour. So thank you for all of your prayers. They are definatly being answered. Maycee is feeling better, not all the way, but is doing a little better, so thank you! I will do a bigger post in the am with pictures. We had a fun, full day! Love you all!!


  1. What a relief to read that things went well!! :) Can't wait to see the pictures! Love you guys!

  2. Glad things are going so well guys. Hope she gets better soon.

  3. Ditto for Heidi's comment. So glad that things went much better today. Also grateful that Maycee is feeling better. The primary program went great. Jaycee did very well and she smiled the whole time. Nathan and Jaycee had fun with Leslie and Michelle. But we are all excited for this week. So hurry home.

  4. I wish I could say get some rest and you could LOL. There will be time for that and not very far away either:) I wake up every morning to see all that has happened during my night time. Thank you so much Lianna for taking the time to even just type a few words they mean so much to us. Our prayers are often and our excitement is getting higher wanting you home with our gift (maycee), you thought I meant something different did you not? Love you all xoxo

  5. I hope all is well. Can't wait to see you all when you get back! Delaney really wants to see your new litte Maycee. J call me when you get back and have a little time.
